Part Two of Nineteen
[See notes for overview]

Planet SSARGthe Snakes
[Part of the: Cadaverous Planets]

Possibly she emitted some kind of hidden strengthif not second sight (she knew when danger was and was not prominent; and all her being was telling her stand tall, be accountable, be as impressed as you feel with these creatures, they want you to be as amazed as they are with you, with them: and she was) for the vipers, for they now had gathered a hundred or so around her. Not blocking her passage, any which way, yet not getting confused which way she was going, and in that sense flopping over one another, laying dormant, looking up at her; and circling her, not in a harmful way, more in a careful, passive way; not obstructive, no, oh no, more dolce, more amicable, wanting her attention, her recognition, her leadership. Yes, they saw some hidden strength in her. She was aalmost a perfect looking woman as far as body went, a warriors shape, but feminine, and with heavy strong looking bones, tight skinned body, good muscle tone, an iron looking body: thighs like hard marble. She had not acquired all the scales the winters of Moiromma had put onto the inhabitants of that planet, the scares and scales their body needed, and needs to adjust to the winds and cold, their bodies were like deer skin lacking outward pores: they had pores, but underneath the scared tissue, for the skin did breath, but the scales, the scales, the coating, and caring covered them mostly, imperturbable, they were hard on the Moirommalit’s, she didn’t acquired them yet, had she stayed their longer, on that planet longer, they would have come automatically, but she didn’t stay there that long; thus, her body was still young, with open pores to sweat properly with, to emit her body fluids properly; she had only been there a short period of time. On earth a short period of time, in existence a short period of time; now here on the Grass Planet, less than an hour.

The red and black vipers, they stared at her feet, she sensed a few had a cruel and implacable mindblood shot eyes, for a few she noted, just a few, she name one in particular, that filled this description fully, that had more blood in its eyes than all the others, a horrid facehuge snake, forty feet long, and boar like tusks reaching out along side its inner gumsit could not close its mouth completely, a foot long was the sharp tusks, she named him ‘Blaze.’ But he moved carelessly, and she noticed it, as if ready to attack, it was not thinking that its foe was not the same as it was used to, she moved, but she didn’t move carelessly, rather cautiously, slowly, the other snakes remained unprovoked, stared at the challenging comrade, or perhaps Blaze was the leader, or wanted to become one, or remain its leader: there was not time to look into this now, nor did it matter.

Her muscles reacted to the snakes maneuvers before her brain hand time to tell them to, automatically, as if they had their own sensory receptors to such engagements, and went on alert mechanically. This giant stake was hostile, and her muscles became tense, harden like rocks, resentment and amazement filled the snake’s eyes: for she stood her ground.

Here were primitive instincts unmodified, on the part of both snake and Siren, Blazestaring at his new prey: the he noticed they were both staring at one another equally, and profoundly, her with a kind of sneer if not half smile.

Now Blaze started snapping his big huge head and fangs at her legs 800-pounds of his slimy body starting to coil around her as if she was a tree A word of scorn came out of its mouth, as if its vocal cords could put a few symbols together; ‘it’ also had second-sight, but ‘it’ did not have the DNA, to reason quick enough to put them symbols into words, only sounds The wild was in its soul, but if one was to compare these snakes to her DNA, they would find it 98% the same, but 2% or 20-million genes difference, made a big difference in not only war and strategy, but in comprehension, creativeness: it lacked what she had. The Snake leaped up and at her thigh: onto her. She met him head on, beast to beast, face to face, mind to mind, both reckless now, and both with instinct, and the creature was stronger than her, she concluded that quickly, as she kicked held his head back as it went for a second attack. The head had managed to stop a foot away from her thigh– in a desperate effort she grabbed the snakes head with both hands, while its body started to wind around her feet her torso, like a tree: it climbed: up, up, up, her legs, stomach and with a crushing embrace: face to face, beast to beast, mind to mind, she grabbed the skull of the snake, in-between its fangs and tusks, and right above its eyes, and with a bang, and solid bank like a stone falling twenty feet out of the sky: you could hear perhaps the bank a mile away, she took her head and with a thrust, hit the snake with her upper forehead so hard the snakes eyes popped out of its head, fell down to the ground like a leaf on a tree (sorry I keep using tree: as a reference source, but it seemed this way).

She knew, had the snake got a better hold on her, it would have crushed her bones, broke them like twigs on a tree, the antagonist was laying lopsided on the ground, luckily still alive, barley alive, I might say. Her spine was hurting also, but she was fine; sore but fine that is, as fine as one can be after a battle. Had it shifted more power to its jaws and quickly snapped at her face, she’d not have had a head this day left to think: mind to mind: she knew this, but it didn’t happen that way, and so that was that, it didn’t matter.

The snake: Blaze looked up, dumfounded, it had never experienced this before, and no creature could every have survived the clutches of such a powerful predator. Who was this living thing, the snake must had thought, it just stared, powerlessly stared. She knelt down, and put its eyes back into its sockets; crudely but nonetheless she accomplished it; she was sure there was some eye damage done, but it would not be told until another battle came about. Blaze had jerked back a bit, when she leaned over, but could not see, only see what she wanted him to seethe eyes had simply draped over its teeth: but not it was all put right back in place and it didn’t sense harm, Blaze didn’t sense harm was forthcoming out of this god deed she had done; and so it didn’t strike blindly, it accepted the pity, and the restoring of its sight.

As she started to stand back up, she let out a big sigh, her defensive stance was gone, her breath of air was pushed down into her stomach, and as she absorbed the moment, the victory: she had used every ounce of her strength, they, [they: they being the rest of the snakes] could have, had they wished to, devour her in a minutes time, and she hissed a long, long hiss: through her teeth.

She now sensed, felt, knew, she was the leader of not a hundred, but thousands of snakes, for you could hear the hissing, and the echoes of their hissing, their movements in the grass and more echoes and the moving of the grass all about her, as she stood victorious in the grassy fields of the planet SSARG: and she screamed so the world could hear.”

Interlude: Blaze

Iron Spirit
[The snakes think: instinctively]

“Yes, her body, the face, I have no memory of such a creature (he looks at his surroundings, the hundred or more snakes around him: his comrades). Am I not the future, or is she it? [Siren] it’s a feminine species of some kind, wiser than I; it returned to fix me: but why? Fear means death or flight. Pity, I’ve not seen it, but I sense it in her for me, the victim of madness, and her madness is controlled. She has an Iron Spirit. She could have vanquished me, consumed me. (Blaze deep in thought trying to retrieves some dark childhood solitary, memoriesbut could not for the most part, nor could he absorb the obvious, the unconscious told him there was nothing to retrieve other than automatic signs of danger: fight or flight. Thus, blank, no receptiveness to his wishful thinking; he did not only look, but was: like a still lake: like a mind full of swampy memories hidden deep in his mind, the vaults of his mind, the vaults hidden to such creatures like him, not to be open to such creatures like him, but to Siren they were, to ponder on, to reason out.)

“I was the sum of this order, the warrior snakes, I was, yes, I was the strength, measured by battle, but this ‘it,’ is here now, ‘it’ echoed something by the sounds ‘si..rr..un [Siren]’ I can act to that, if ‘it’ says it slow, it must be ‘it’s’ call, whatever. IT calls me ‘b..lazz [Blaze]’ not sure why, perhaps everything has to have its own sound in a species like IT.”

[Dust cloud] They all, Siren and the snakes, with Blaze, had walked a small distance to an opening in the meadow, a raw opening with powered dirt and sand: mounds and mountains and cliffs in the far distance. As they walked farther into the plateau of dirt, she now could see all the snakes, the horde, which followed her, behind now, a cloud of dust (heat-vulcanized dust: or so it seemed with all these bodies rubbing against the surface of the earth, as if they were hard glazed rubber; their smooth bodies elastic like, harden dry and hardened from the sun now.)

See Dennis’ books and travels at his website:

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