At the Garden of Eden, Snakes had Legs

I did mention beforein the first tapesnakes did have legs at onetime, did I not? And so what we see is when God gets mad, he gets real mad, and in one case, took His anger out on the snakes as well as women whom now have to endure childbirth (where at one time, this was not so), before Eve ate the apple or pear, or cucumber, or whatever she atethat is: thus, no one really knows, — whatever it was, I think the child baring before the apple incident, was much like sleeping in the grass and, oh well, waking up the next day and a child was laying next to you, of which of course was not painful; yes, not painful until after the apple-eating event took place, and labor was thrust upon man: that is, man has to work for a living nowwhereas, before this event, he was much like the animals on the Galapagos Islands: that being, free from all duressand was for the most part lazy; man did nothing to deserve this of course, other than standby and let Eve do as she pleased, and to keep peace, well, ate a little of it. In a similar manner, it was like the 200-angelic beings wanting assurance that if they were to dominate the earth, it would be one for all and all for one, yet, it was not the unpardonable sin for Adam and Eve, as it was for the angelic beings; and Adam, he was simply naming the animals for the most part (at which time, everything was given to him, just walk the garden and pick the fruit). Well, what he learned that day was, ‘don’t mess with the Big Man.’

You see Anna: –we no longer get the fruit free because of another persons sins; a little like the curse on you. In light of these facts, we see the Crazy Worm, as I have explained to youin words and depiction, infecting humankind, at will all most. As if it and Satan had a pack, an agreement of sorts. What would be the most benedictional thing I could do, or for that matter any man could do for mankindI do believe isis to find that damn worm, and quarantine him, or it? But that most likely will not happen. I had to say it, but if we can’t even find a few terrorist out there, how are we going to find a worm that has been marching around for a very long time; unless that is, Satan and his demons capture it, put it under a lid, and use it on humankind: in place of Ginny Pigs, which I would bet, if he didn’t do this already, he’s thinking of it at this moment. But it is long-lived, this worm of sorts, and for the most part is a virus in itself, and possibly can even infect demons, as well as Satan himselfwho really knows [?] So that might not even be a good step, that is, to try and capture him, or possibly even a good scenario for one to deliberate on; yet even though it is an unmeant statement by me–: save for the fact, I have to conceptualize it, it should be brought to your attention so you can see the seriousness of this miniature crawling and living tiny crab like creature.

Again we come to the steps of the God Room, and ask:

“Why did God allow this to happen,” I sound now a little like Mark Twain, and Job who both questioned God as if they were smarter than He, trying to figure out why He [He being: God] does what he does. And of course, we are all ready to blame him for our own foolishness, our own scornful needs and deeds, as we do to Satan also. Grasshoppers, that is what we areyou know, just grasshoppers trying to make the Master Planner accountable to us, and Satan; of course Mark Twain tried to do that with Shakespeare as well, that is make him accountable to him as he wrote a book on him, and Methuselah also he wrote about, and I could go on, but he did write a few good books; one story about a frog that couldn’t jump, and about a boy named Finn and Sawyer, that painted a fence and helped a Blackman out somewhere along the line; I think he was feeling sorry for himself for possibly being a coward in the Civil War, who knows; you know trying to make up for running away from the conflict. And I do not want to plant seeds of distress in you as Bram Stoker would in reading his book called: Dracula, but let’s let that lay where it falls, Job was not much better in the questioning area either, but was in the love area, for he did love God, and if Mark Twain did, it was a secret. And so maybe God left the worm wiggle his way out of the Abyss to cut our lives short; or possibly to see how we handle life per se; or to see if we appreciated the gift of life he gave, save for the fact, we have to work for every damn thing. Whatever, it is not much better than asking eccentric questions about people who are eccentrics. To be quite honest with you, I could give a rats-ass, way He did, if He did, do what ever He did do, or has done; He has his reasons and He is God, now who can question Him? No one (a rhetorical question, I know). Kind of reminiscent to the USA in a way, who at this point in time, for who can question her again a rhetorical question, for the answer is NO ONE similar to, to Roma at one time, who could question Rome? No one; and that is good enough for me. In the vein of Satan, he has his reasons also, and although I can figure out possibly more on the level of why he wants revenge, more so than why God does what he does: meaning, some things are a little plainer to see or figure out than others. And again I say, but pointing to a different figure, I could care less about Satan; but in this scenario, it is the worm I care about, and as I have related it, not sure why he was created in the first place. It is like trying to figure out why Karl Marx’s created Communism, breeding the thought to mankind that money was their down fall, and marched onto Paris to live the good life. Matter of fact, he was more of a capitalist than a capitalist; yes often times we say one thing and do anotherdepending on who is watching. But if I was to try and look underneath the surface of motives, it might be that it was simply something to keep him busy instead of being drunk all the time (I of course am talking about Marx), he did appreciate his drinking, like Mark Twain, and Earnest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, let’s include William Faulkner also (all drunks with the booze), you know the rest of the old cluster. But again I find myself criticizing for the sake of finding my way through this maze, and my heart is not into thatnot really. So accept my apology if I have hurt your feelings on any one hero I might have mentioned, should any of those I’ve mentioned be your hero, for me I’d prefer O. Henry, he knew human nature, and now that I think of it, so does the ‘Worm’ for he had a long time to learn it.

I think Satan [also known as the Adversary, or Lucifer] likes people to write and talk about him, an ego thing, I think (even bad advertisement can be beneficial). The more they do the more his ego goes up. But I am involved with the Crazy Worm, am I not? but Satan, like God and the Worm, and the four families involved with this curse, and the flood, they all come under the heading of Anna Viper’s mysteryoh yes, oh yes they do. And of course you Anna Viper hired me to assist in this very project, to find out and possibly give you advise on how to escape this poisonous curse: or possibly turning this curse around, or even saving your life, should it come to that: as you well know, and will find out soon, in the letters and history I’m about to presentyou may find some options to these questions, but first things first. Viruses come in different forms and that is where I am heading now tobe patient Anna, for this is quite involved. In this case that is what will follow, you will witness the cursed-virus come to surface. You may say: no such thing is possible, but don’t be too sure of yourself. You will end up believing [pause in the tape] you really will.


The Worms Infections

Like a wound up centipede

I have come to the conclusion that the Abyss Worm with its virus, has infected many other things: things I have ‘not’ mentioned, or even know ofand, and I reiterateand emphasize this: ‘not’ word: for from it, creeps out a virus as we know it to be, that can transcend into our thinking process. Oh sure: why not, we can go beyond this, that is why I employ the name “Virus Curse’. It can be given in certain instances by way of a curse, depending on the circumstances, and power of the person; or it can be given through the eyes of the infected; or it can simply touch something and infect it for the rest of its life, such as plants: with its paralyzing acid, such as in that almond tree, or the black madness of henbane, and still the poison in hemlock; how about the lily of the valley used as poison and medicament, I do believe the Abyss Worm had something to do with all these plantsthat is why I am mentioning them. I think what is also true, is that God, Himself has set out a dirty trick on mankind, that being: to kill him as he ventures throughout the world. And I’m on God’s side so I must point to God for not stopping the worm.

Now onto a little different area for a moment, the curse of the liar; again I must explain this to my understanding, and to yours: yes, I will try to explain and be specific if I can at the same timefor whom will carry your destiny but yourself; should you let someone else, it will most likely be for their benefit my fair lady Anna. Now I must make clear, this curse is not a virus, but acts like one. Not like the worm virus in any case. But when given properly, I would expect the person receiving it, is open to itif that makes sense. Kind of like watching a movie at night, and when you go to bed, you get a nightmare. Well, how did you get it? Believe it or not, the nightmare demon found an opening and plugged into it, call them triggers if you willor call them whatever you pleasebut you got them, and you try to explain it any other way, I think you will come up short; or for that matter anything you wish you can contribute it to: but, nonetheless, we invite the invisible forth dimensional world, this chaotic world into our beings somehow;–to circle our souls (for we have two, yes two, one for reason and one for malice) and block out its light, to plant dark circles, dragging shadows, around our foreheads: — the dark circles meaning we have lied to God, this is Gods curse. And now he may or may not leave you open for the devils merriment.

Now you see, Anna, the genetic properties of the Crazy Worm, can infect generation after generation once it inhabits [makes its home in] its victim; however, he receives his entrance: be it human, animal, plant or whateverso be it with one application and the circumstances; — again I say, providing the right state of affairs are set forth (and that leads us into having a curse put upon a family or person ((it allows other elements to invade a person as well; such as, or liken to the worm)). But before I get into the third element of this hypothesiswhich I do believe is more truth than fiction, we have two in the makingcurses that is. The Liar Black Circle Curse [invoked evil], as I had mentioned previously and of course the Crazy Worm nuisance:–you possibly might be asking at this point: how is this all related to me? Hold on to that note, I mean: idea, I’ll explain it soon.

Now Anna, we are starting to get somewhere. The mind has to be open to thingsas I have dreadfully tried to amplify to you: and the soul closed to things, if that makes sense. Like hypnotism, you can’t be forced to be hypnotized, so they say: you got to be open for it. This is what I’m trying to explain to you Anna. Even though you did not commit a sin, the sin in particular that led to the making of the curse (the one your family has handed down from generation to generation, and now to you), you as the offspring of one who had the curse, inherited a defection in your genetic makeupsort of speaking; be it genetic or spirit-filled makeup, the form of the curse was thereis there, it only needed an opening, a trigger (which opens other possibilities); comparable to a horror movie that creates nightmares you might say.

It really sounds more incomplete, unfinished than what it is. As you will see as I unwind this mystery of sorts; Charlie’s letter will bring some light to the whole matter also, and let us add to this, the: “77-Day Cult’, whom will possibly open some doors to this air of mystery. But what the curse means to you should be, or put another way, for you not to be subject to this curse or its full dynamical make up is to: don’t have children, and the curse will fade into nothingness, possible. Or second, have a first child, which will be demonic in formand raise it without killing it; for in the past all have been killed by their mothersand thus the curse will have gone forward ahead of you, missing you completely. But again should you take the second way out, and have the child, once this has happened, the door is open for the Abyss Worm [with its virus] to enter that person. Third, we bring to the surface now, now God’s curse, the liar if you so end up being one, with the inherited previous curse: a black circle will appear when the first lie is announced from the person’s lips, a black circle around the forehead, it will be seen when you look in the mirror. I know this is quite a vicious circle for one to outlive, unwind or even fathom. But nonetheless, these are some of the options I have come up with for the moment.

(Note to Anna, this is the end to the first part of the second tape; turn the tape around to side two, for I am recording this on both sides again. (Anna now is starting to fall to sleep, as she rubs her eyes, covers her legs with a warm blanket, takes in a deep breath, drinks some warm milk; it was hot but now it has cooled. She figures she’ll rest a moment then go on and listen to the other side of the tape.))

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