The Father

[Dick Earnest’s concluding thoughts as he calls Anna Viper up on the phone to simply go through them].

[The phone rings] “Anna speaking… [Pause]…hello?”

“Anna, this is Dick Earnest, and I’ve been putting together another tape for you, I’ll send it off tomorrow, but I wanted to just talk a bit, and possibly get together with you so I can give you an overview in person of all this information, and likely some options concerning the: “Abyss Virus Worm,” as it is known. Matter of fact you and I, along with a few others, are the only ones on this planet earth that know this secret; or so I think, about the Worm that is, the secret of the worm, the Abyss Virus Worm. Oh yes, we are unique now Anna, we both know so much, many secrets you might say, of the essence of the worm and the cult that follows it.

Anna [curiously]. “I’ve been hoping to actually talk to you instead of all this back and forth tape stuff. And yes, the information you have found out is somewhat interesting, and it sounds like you’ve got a lot more?”

[Dick with a deep sighthinking, ‘what does: somewhat, mean?’].

“Yes, my long drudgery into this mysterious world is unwinding for you, which I understand you come from, this unseen, and ancient world has brought forward many conclusions, and many questions to my mind, as I am sure it has for yours: my soul being stirred and tired at the same time. But all-in-all, it has been more than interesting for me.”

Said she [with anxiousness]: “And so Mr. Earnest, what is it you want to bring to my attention?”

Earnest [carefully]: “Just kind of an overview for you, to see if I can [or we can] put some of the parts of this puzzle togetherfor you, and give you a few my unbiased opinion [s] or better yet, personal thoughts mixed with experience. I’m not at this point sure on how to cure you if that-in truth-is, what really needs to be done in addition getting rid of the curse somehow (by magic or by deed or prayer); but I will try and find out, I will find out how, I will find out somehow, someway.

(Anna is silent, taking in all the information about everything Earnest has been giving. Thinking: what might be the best medicine to kill the curse,–yes, to kill it, like you would a virus?)

this room of mine is starting to drive me crazy Anna, I’ve been in it steadily for over a week now, and in two of my rooms I have paper all over the place, stacks here and there, everywhere, as high as me, that is when I’m sitting down (a little laugh comes over the phone from Anna, Dick wanted to be humorous for some reason). I have pictures taped onto the walls, and maps showing the locations of the families, where they lived, worked, died; such as Erie, Pennsylvania; St. Paul, Minnesota, New Orleans, Nashville, and the English country side (England). But let me just give you a briefing so I can go back to work, and yes, oh yes, let’s get together with some coffee and go through the rest of the information I have gathered, in sequence, to see if I missed something; but not for another several days please. What I want to bring to your attention at this moment is:

Thomas Viper was unmoved, I mean really unyielding in admitting he was the father of the child; the rapist of Sally, that is. Sally’s interest in Thomas was electric for a very long time, as came about her simple recognition and obedience to him, then followed the rape, not knowing for sure who the rapist was I imagine, yet always having that awful thought of being betrayed by the one person she so truly trusted. But electric I think, when I say that I mean, possibly too fond of him at times, and blind to his intentions. Yet she grew on him also, that is where the ‘crack up’ came from I suppose (a weakness he did not expect from himself). You can only hide from reality for a while you know: you can paint over it, make a worm look like a bird, yet it is still a worm; you can write all you want about ideas, and cover up the thinking process, but again, repeating yourself in circles will not get your mind to avoid what it is trying to avoid forever, it will emergethe dread will emerge, if we remain human. People avoid talking about death as if it will go away, like hell, but it doesn’t

She allowed Thomas to take charge of her life for the most part, and that is exactly what he did; and of course, the priority in this relationship was Thomas looking after Thomas, as Thomas was always for Thomas; but in his own way he loved her I suppose, as I have tried to explain, in his sick, under par way, as unkindly as he turned out to be, he prized her. But isn’t that the way so much of life is, the unknown; what is behind the mind of that other person that is the unidentified; so often we think we know? Is it not healthier to trust, so the counselor would say? And when we do, it backfires on usoften. And if we live a life being on guard, is it not insanity? A rhetorical question, but food for thought, my dear Anna; but I add this to my ongoing thoughts only because I want to understand the mind of the culprit. When you know his mind you can deal with his soul better. I do hope you agree with this.

As you almost certainly heard, and now know better, these tapes and my research draw a better picture on how Sally was raised by Elsie for years, —for myself, as a ‘helper in the psychological’ sphere, I was fascinated by a few missing facts, or as of today, missing facts they are not, not anymore. One being, ‘…how did she get the virus?’, my conclusion to this is an over implication at best, but let me try, nonetheless: I do believe she was being weaned by a formula given to her during her suckling-stage as an infant and thereafter; the compounds [or make-up] being of leftover particles of blood taken from Viiwho was infected by the Abyss Worm, one might say kind of a homegrown infection because it was deadly in the first place, and, and wanted more power, more deadly, more toxic power of which was given to it through the, the poisonous biochemical structure of the worm that infected his body, and for him, it came out through his eyes, not an iotabut much more, plus no one really knew why it came out that way, it just did, yes bodies react differently to chemicals, it came out in the lookthe forced stress of his eyes, therefore if he wanted a death, a monster’s kill, he had it right in his eyes; not like the worm who kills its victims slowly and has to implant itself within them or become vulnerable by showing itself; thus, kill or imprison itself for safety, or be killed, if you can kill it. As unappetizing as it sounds, I cannot come up with anything better.

Now on another note, although this is just an opinion and in searching this case out, it is hard not to have them, I find it a little baffling again, Sally that is, didn’t put two and two, together, meaning: why did she not ask God, why he was punishing her? You know what I mean, was He punishing her for the kicks of it? She never wrote about that. I’ll never understand this…And, and, why didn’t she look closer, as the years went by at ridding herself of this curse, like you, why did she not come to seek out help? As you have, again, I’ll never know. But, and this is a big but…but would it not stand to reason if, if you or I were Sally, we’d ask the question: ‘…why in the first place does God even put up with me, and the people that gave me this curse?’ In a like manner, why would God give free will for malice, to Vii and his group, and to the Trials? Many questions came to my mind as I searched this mystery of the Virus Worm, and your curse: many, many, many questions came to mind. And as a Christian Psychologist, I need to know God as he is, not as people would like him to be, even I sound hard on Him, but in looking at hard facts, we got to have good reasoning, and in making decisions, I have to see who will get hurt, for it is my duty to insure I do the best for my client. Even search God’s motives out if need be.

Why go through all the trouble, and watch your child suffer; that is, by allowing it to be a deformed creature, and have to live with it or be cursed, does that show love? If I were Sally, I think I’d be angry at Him [Him being: God], but I didn’t find this in all the papers I’ve searched. I mean, He is in all respects a personGod that iswho, who can have peace or war at the click of a finger; He can win the war, no contest. It looks to me as if she was more brained washed psychologically by all involved, even God Almighty, than genetically, and if predisposed to this curse, and the blood, then this may have triggered an invitation for the Abyss Worm to enter her and give her its virus, which seems to have captured her mind, and used her body as a incubator for breedingregrettably; and blocked her soul, its light, and possibly oxidize her will. I know I fascinate you with all this knowledge, but I am a genius of sorts, oh yes, it is hard for me to do laborious jobs when my mind is clicking, clicking away…but you are getting the benefit of it, of my mind that is.

And so in her case I am sure of the DNA structure of her past was set in motion for the day it was to be triggered. The curse you have Anna, –Anna Viper, the one you want to get away from, is what she could not get away from. And she was blind in how to reverse it, and as we have seen with my data, did little seeking for assistance like you. Now before you ask how do we do this, previous to it being too late for you, let me simply go on with my research, and we shall talk later, ok?”

Anna [clingingly]. “Mr. Earnest, what can I say, I have to let you go if you say so, but I do hope I do not have to pay you anymore money for the following work you are doing, I’m next to broke. I know the research has taken over a year, and now these documents and so forth, but my $25,000-inheratance is all but gone, I have $800 left (as she is expressing and explaining her case, she is also wondering why he knows so much, seemingly it sounds like conjecture, but he sounds so darn right knowledgeable, possible too familiar with this case, but she does not let on to this. Thus, the distortion she feels she has found out is kept secret thinking there must be some kind of explanation that will come out somewhere along the time line here).”

“My dear child (says Earnest, with a slight indifference to his tone of voice, different than before), it has been a long, long year, and just the knowing of this case has gotten to me; yes, it has worn me out like a race horse after the Kentucky Derby has been run, and no, no, you will not be charged from here on; I am your fish, you caught me, and I like being caught, that is to say, I need to put closure to this case, with or without funds, and I do understand you are in need of your funds, I could never knowingly take your last dollar.”

Part Two

Their Stories
The Unendurable Sin and Curse of the Viper’s


[Eyes of the Soul]

“The eyes of the soul must look into
The heart of the man before he is
Washed clean as linen”

Arthur Trials

The One Eyed Viper of, ‘Pigs Eye’

“I’ve asked nothing from anybodyI mean, nobody, that’s how it was; I work hard, paid my tax’sI was worth my salt.”

1880, Arthur Trials

The Trials Family

When Thomas Viper arrival back at the St. Paul Hotel (his second home, and business location ((the year being 1932)) he found waiting for him a note typed concerning his cousin Sally Noddocwhich he knew quite well from the letters they had been writing back and forth for some time now. Actually, they had been writing for some two years. She had been writing him from Erie, Pennsylvania. In his writings, he explained to her, he was sorry that he was unable to communicate with her sooner than two years ago, yet the reason being [he explained] he never knew she had existed up to two years ago (or so he told her); whereupon, a ‘Last Will’ was read in which she was given property on Dayton Street, in St. Paul, Minnesota, a nine-plex by her Great Uncle, Dennis Trials. Consequently, he was claiming kinship with her and volunteered to run the building in her absence, and until she could arrive and take responsibility of the land-lordship.

The last letters he received from her was a month old, which indicated Sally would arrive in the city on Friday, it was now Wednesday. He had written her saying:

“I hope you will choose to remain and live in St. Paul, it is a beautiful and conservative cityas well as a cultural one, with all the amenities of a larger city, yet remaining is its country style mannerisms.

He explained to her the city used to be calledback about one-hundred years ago, ‘Pigs Eye’, because of a one eyed-bartender and owner of the bar who did a lot of trading with the soldiers at Fort Snellingfur trading for the most part: up the Mississippi a-ways, a few miles from St. Paul (on a hill over looking the city). Daily you’d see boats leaving the banks and piers of the city heading down to St. Louis and New Orleans; it was a generous and wonderful city, with its ideal Mississippi location, in review, Thomas was quite proud of his city.

He also explained he was aging, and he had just had his 70th birthday: she was but twenty-nine years of age. But he assured her, his family stock lived well into their 90’s, and so he might have another twenty-years left, yet again, his health was not the bestcontradictory it may have sounded, but she thought nothing of it. Thus, he was prepared to assist her in all manners should she decide to come this year to St. Paul.

“For God only knows,” he wrote her,”…how long I will last”. (Again a distortion she overlooked.)

Thomas lived on Albemarle Street and was heavily invested in properties throughout the city; some money invested in hotels and some in bulk gold and other metals. For the most part, his money was spread out in several directions.

The note he picked up at the hotel was from Sallyfor convenience he kept an office, which was connected to a two bedroom living quarters, at the main hotel in the center of the city. He was on the 7th floor. The note explained that he should meet her at the train station at 4th and Jackson streets; and that, should they miss each other she’d meet him in the lobby at the hotel. Thomas had sent her $600 for expenses, to help her make her way, her trip easier one might say. And so Sally Noddoc was on her way.

see Dennis’ worldwide travels at his website:

target=”_new” href=”http://dennissiluk.tripod.com/” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

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