The Arrival of Sally

The following Friday, Sally arrived as expected, by way of the trainit would seem that they both had done quite a good job in coordinating their meeting at the train station, for no sooner had Thomas arrived at the station the train was pulling in. As he rushed into and through the towering building with its grand pillars meeting him as he walked up the stairs, sliding on the marble floor in the center of the station a bit, trying to hurry and hoping, he’d not fail to notice Sally upon her arrival, and on to and out to the pier area, he stopped in front of pier #4, expecting her to appear, and she did just like that.

As she stepped down the few stairs from the train to the platform, Thomas was there with his hands wide open, greeting her, as if to give her a bear-hug, but instead simply ending up hugging and kissing her as if she was the elegant Queen of England. She smiled and was taken back a bit, but enjoyed the scene, and the moment, with its warm sensations.

“Oh Sally, I’ve anticipated your arrival…just right, I have a taxi waiting for us, and a hotel room for you at the best hotel in the city. And later on I can introduce you to young men if you so wish.”

Sally was smiling from ear to ear, saying with a sigh of relief, the trip was over, she made it to St. Paul, Minnesota; “I finally get to meet you cousin Thomas,” she commented, then adding, “I don’t quite know what to say, but I’m sure you have, or it sounds like you have, everything taken care of, so I’ll follow you, if that pleases you…”

Said Thomas, with a grin, and ardent posture,

“I was rehearsing what I’d say when I met you, but it looks like we both do not need to edit ourselves, it is coming out as natural as if we were old friends from the Civil War.”

Having said that, he grabbed her hand and whizzed her away through the grand lobby of the train station, and its shinning floors.

“You are quite young, and a very healthy looking woman, very beautiful…” commented Thomas, during their walk.

Self-doubting, as she was, Sally said: “Healthy, not sure what that means, but I eat well.”

Thomas looked at her, looking directly at and around her shape, eyeing her shape, her curves, which seemed to be most pleasing to himas they got into the taxi, he noticed they were full, her breasts, and hips, and she had a nice shape to her pear-like bottom. “Hm…mm” he said, as she slyly look from the corner of her eyes trying to figure out what the “Hm…mm” was for.

There was a coolness in the June air, briskness to the sunny early afternoon [about 65 F] as they made their way to the hotel.

It was not long after that first meeting when both Mr. Thomas and Sally ended up living in the two bedroom hotel apartment together; but most confidently, and upon shared agreement with both; in addition, they formed a joint venture, in their own way, –her with the nine-plex building she inherited, and Thomas with his currently several duplex’s he owned throughout the city, both consolidating them into a partnership. The duel-ownership was called, “The Sally-Viper Inc”; and so the relationship showed the makings for a rich, and trustful beginning, with overwhelming respect. But all good things do not always last: least we believe the unbelievable (for it would seem in Thomas’ world, even if he wanted to be a friend, it was hard for him to be one).

Sally lived in the bedroom across from Thomas’, each having their own bathrooms; they shared the living-room and kitchen together. One month on, Sally’s new life in the city of St. Paul transparent, she was adapting quite well to the upper middle class status, which Thomas introduced her to and she like it: furthermore, Thomas signed his will over to her, giving her all his properties should he die. Sally seemingly, quite impressed with such a move, became emphatically more trusting of him (which was exactly what he wanted).

During their first long hot summer (July and August of that first year), Thomas admitted to Sally, tenderly, she reminded him of his daughter, that is, the one he never had (he lied).

“If I was to die today,” he told Sally looking emotionally to the floor, cigar in hand, making smoking circles circulate around his sofa-chair toward his feet, as he sat in the living-room, feeling if he was a prize bull … Sally going over some numbers, the window open, a black-tarnished small fan on, “I can (he went on to say to Sally) rest in peace knowing you and only you will be well kept, and have a great enterprise to finance your future.”

Sally (being proudly honest) “Indeed, Cousin Thomas, I really enjoy the respectability my new life has brought to me, and the new found power and influence in the community it emits.” (For the most part Sally was not shy about her blessings.)

“Thank you Sally for your kind remarks,” the old man said with the horsiest voice one ever heard,–talking and trying at the same time to push out smoke from his stomach, that he accidentally swallowed…his eyes and lips trembling. Then added, “I am glad you are my cousin. A common trait in us, I see, is business, and your good looks, for you are quite smart and sharp, now what else might we find as time goes on, as far as parallel traits, or virtues?” (He had a cunning smile on his face, but Sally paid little attention, her mind was on numbers, plus she felt him harmless if not playful.)


The Predatory Kind
The Trials Family

[Dick Earnest]: a note by Dennis Trials:

“You cannot measure his vileness [Arthur Trials], his wickedness by today’s standards; the reason being, he belongs to an ancient and more simple time, one of barbarismwhen deeds of crudity were not punishable by death, but received praise; –nor would one be held accountable for the punishers death; he was born to destroy, some people are you knowborn to kill, to hurt, to punish likened to an executioner.

Dennis Trials, 1867

[2nd son to Arthur Trials]

The Soup Bowl

It was the 13th week of Sally’s stay in St. Paul, when Sally sat down for dinner with Thomas, the maid had fixed some soup for both of them, and Thomas brought it out for Sally on a silver tray, putting it in front of her in the dinning-room, on a long mahogany wooden table. Thomas took a smart walk around the house, simply feeling uncomfortable for some unknown reasonalmost a sense of urgency, as if something was about to happen. They had both checked out their tenants and properties this day, to insure preventive maintenance was being performed by their employees; all was well. So Thomas was not sure why he felt, the way he felthe just did, such was his resolved in his thinking.

For the most part, they, the tenants looked loathsome to Thomas today after he walked though the halls of one of his buildings, a glance here and there at the tenants: not quite knowing why they looked so repugnant to him, he thought to leave well enough alone though, yet remained somewhat in a contemplation state; then went back home to the hotel, where Sally was having a bowl of soup, sitting in the dinning-room; yet continuing to feel that same very way. And I add again: Thomas not knowing why he felt the way he felt.

As Sally started to cough, it turned into a sharp and unpleasant matter choking and coughing as if she had lost control of her body functions; Thomas after realizing it was becoming a state of emergency, ran over to her and as he was about to assist in trying to take out whatever was lodged in her throat, she vomited right into her soup, out came a multi-legged creature with eyes, colorful, and horrid looking (the Abyss Worm); Sally frozen with shock and straight-eyed freight, looking at the creature now floating in her soup pushed back her chair, eyes as wide as the headlights of a car:

“What in God’s name is it…!” she screeched out as high as to break the crystal glass.

Before Sally could say another word Thomas grabbed the bowl of soup, bringing it into the kitchen, leaving Sally to herself for a moment, sitting it down on the counter, he then paused, took in a deep breath, put his hands firmly on the counter, another deep breath, then let the air out slowly, ‘…now what,’ he whispered to himself [?] Then he walked over to the door, which lead into the dinning room, looked at Sally…

[Disdainful] Sally lost her coolness and hauteur,


“What on god’s earth was that…?” (Her head shaking mortified.)

Very slowly her body became red hot, blood boiling. Her face contorted, “An animal, a large insect of some kind!” she sighed; “A rotten intestinal creature…” her appearance was being transformed into ugliness, wrinkles around wrinkles all over her face, almost resembling the round Abyss Worm itself: it looked as if it was coiled, stuck in a curled form, as if someone had taken a straight worm, and wound it in a circle, with little antenna legs.

Thomas not quite knowing what to say, now standing by her side as she sat in the dinning-room chair simply, apologized for her agony, but she thanked him for his hast, –yet, knowingly, Thomas wondered what the creature had done to her insides, her body insides, her living organisms inside her body; –for the worm had saber teeth, little worm type saber teethbut nonetheless deadly little teeth. It had surely infected her whole body he thought. He was hoping if the Abyss Worm had children, they would be safe within her now.

Thomas backed into the kitchen, took a spoon and churned it through the bowl of soup; as a result, three rounded worms surfaced, about the size of dimes, or about one third the size of a quarter; –he took a sigh of relief, and mumbled, ‘…they have survived…the children of the Abyss Worm, they have survived, thank goodness!’

Said Sally as she entered the kitchenwas about to look into the soup bowl for the worm but hesitated as Thomas distracted her (at the same time Thomas swallowed the small baby worms quicklyto safeguard them).

“Where is that, that ugly looking creature I vomited up?” she asked (they were all gone).

“I washed them down the drain,” commented Thomas, when in actuality he didn’t see where the big worm went.

“This is very serious, I have not had time to evaluate this yet,” she responded with a disappointed look.

[Thomas acting annoyed somewhat] “Why Sally,” said Thomas, “why is it the wiping out of a worm is so unsettling? I was simply trying to protect you! It most likely destroyed it; I flushed it down the sink.”

“I suppose so…” she spoke with a sullen voice still shook up.

But Thomas knew very well with all his years of old wisdom backing him up, silence did not mean all was well that looked well, matter of fact, to the contrary, silence often meant the opposite, something was being left out, not said, unexposed, possibly a plan. Often times the thinking waves going through such silence can be mischief stored-up for someone. But then Thomas was often paranoid, and he knew that as well, as was a trait of Sally’s also. In any case, he believed at this point, he needed to escalate his plan of desolation…

[Now in the living-room] Thomas pulled out a cigar, drew a long draw from it, let the smoke out easily and sat back into a soft sofa chair, as the smoke circled the room quietly, as if it was a haze falling and covering up a holy shrine, covering up the anxiety that had filled the house a moment before

Thomas knew the Abyss Worm, did not, in particularly attack or submerge itself into strangers; first it was not a wise thing to do, with all the variables one would have to look at, with its potential dangers; especially for breeding. Second, the body the worm was in could not reject it: that is, if the worm wanted a home to live in, but rather had to build immunity to its powerful virus up for the incubator body it chose. Sally was the perfect incubator, for she was even weaned on its infectious liquids from Vii. He concluded, the worm was at a weak point, when her body rejected the worm, or possibly, the four-worms combined was too powerful for her body at the moment to endure, that is, the new children of the worm had produced (an endurable state, and broke up the inertia, and thus, the body to protect itself, vomited)thus the worm was dual-sexed, in this sense, not needing a mate; that is to say, it could self-produce its offspring.

Now Thomas had three-siblings that belong to the host worm in his system. He told himself he did what he did to protect the lively hood of the offspring (hastily((yes)), but he knew he did it too fast, yet he convinced himself he had to swallow the children of the hoist worm in fear Sally would see themwithout thinking of the consequences, and out of emotions; –for as he thought about his deed, he also thought about how he could survive the contagious creatures virus his body poisoned now. The worms deadly environment was now venomous to his insides, he unintelligible chattered adding, with worms that know nothing, and cared less about his life, this was now the new thought developing in his mind, life and death: he had questions upon questions, and no answers, and no one to go to, to get answersmatter of fact, there was no answers to be gotten, only, preparation for a slow death, although he was of old age already, this would limit his life even more so on earth: he thought he was ready, yet he wasn’t, or so he told himself, not ready to die, not really die, maybe talk about it, but that is not like really dying; something he protested, yet something he had no control over, not now: ‘…damn,’ the word seeped out and around the corner of his mouth.

(Thomas going over his thoughts again) Death was not something he was quite ready for; oh yes, something he mentioned to Sally, but he had a reason for doing it; a motive if you will; yes indeed, indeed, an ulterior motive. Although death was in front of his words it was never rationalized, not firmly, not deeply in his mind. Alas, it was now. It would have been vomited up just nonetheless, he told himself. But to realize deaths hand was within its reach of himaround the corner to speak of, that he could taste it, almost feel it, now he could feel it for real, but not then, not before, it was just a word; his system knew for a fact in some moment in the near futuretime would end, halt, the unknown would become known; but now the almost known was present; as it was never before, it was now, a matter of fact now, that his body was going through, producing some unbearable anguish; the near futurehad become predictable. Some pain to endure before death was to creep into his body completely; it would not be a quiet and graceful death, not at all.

Hitherto, he did what his father wanted him to do, Arthur Trials, but now he was questioning his automatic responses. It is one thing to hate and get revenge, and another to die for it, or die by an ancient worm for it, that handed out a deadly virus: god forbid we die for a demon, and then go to hell for him to, only to be punished on earth and in hell; he mocked himself, he mocked the Worm, his ancestors, all whom shaped his life, he mocked them all, all of them, everyone, one by one (he was angry and sad at the same time). ‘What more can a man give…’ he asked himself [?] But the matter was settled, closed for discussion, he had already done the deed, the creatures were inside of him, should they survive, they would deaden his system intentionally or unintentionally, make it putrid analogous to a dead corpse, and he’d die an agonizing death, no questions askedthat’s how it was, is, would be; he had no immune system to fight such deadly poisonous creatures. No one did but the Viper family.

Be it negligence, laxity, or whatever, he now was daydreaming, visualizing his coffin, whispering to himself: ‘blood does not circulate into dead tissue…a slow unbearable death awaits me…’ a tear came from his eye as he thought on the matter some more, on the death theme, and whom would come for him, knock at his dark-door. He seemed to be numb, paralyzed for the moment, while he thought about his arranged death.

‘The worm must have not been securely holding onto the roots of her insides,’ Thomas concluded in his daydreaming mode [his mind], as a dying man does before he lets go of his anger just prior to his death, like when the breath of, the last breath of a person stops, –like a, a clock stops ticking, then silence in the body transcends the room it fills, a cold silence (he continues to mumble to himself).’

Then thinks more on the matter at hand: ‘…when she coughed it up,’ thought Thomas. He added, ‘it recognized her, I am sure of that, but not necessarily me.’ In all thoughts and logic, danger signs appeared in his brain. To save the breeding, to save the breeding, to save, to save, breeding, the breeding, I must save the breeding; –but what now would be his reward, death, death, and death? And so he left the logic for the logical, and went to bed, whipping the tears from his eyes.

See Dennis’ website for his books and travels:

target=”_new” href=”http://dennissiluk.tripod.com/” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

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